Chuck Cole

chuck-coleThursday First Light

We start out quietly – Chants Or instrumentals…

New Dimensions: interviews with people who should be heard…on community radio 5-6am

Spiritual Awakening Radio: 6-6:30am the spiritual quest in the spirit of world music – produced by James Bean of Maine

Lori…Dougie…Dar…Marc…Lucy… Loreena…Richard…Greg…Patty…Ben…Antje…Michael…Karine…Mishka… 7-8am uninterrupted folk, singer-songwriters whose lyrics matter. Coffeehouse style acoustic music + more…often with previews of performers soon to be heard in our area. 8-8:30 My Howard & Roslyn Zinn – Peace and Justice set. 8:30 – 8:45 Read-Aloud … often in The Key of the Sea. My place of play + inspiration!

Thursday First Light – gentle music to start your day….