
The 400 Club

In celebration of our partnership with the Harwich (UK) Festival of the Arts and in recognition of the anniversary of the Mayflower landing in Provincetown, we aired excerpts of this year’s festival. Harwich, England was the home of the captain of the Mayflower, Christopher Jones.

One of the performers featured in that broadcast was Matthew Crampton.  Matthew has produced a video about Harwich, the Mayflower and other stories of migration:


For centuries Harwich has seen migrants leave for better things – and arrive in search of sanctuary. Here we meet some of these desperate people. And we see how such human cargo – such as transportees, the enslaved, kindertransport and other refugeess – has shaped Britain, and America.


Donate Your Junk

One person’s trash is another person’s way of funding community radio.

If you’ve got old records or old vehicles, we’ll take them off your hands. Our partners will pick up your vehicle and sell it at auction so we get the cash. The records will go into the inventory of our record store which also generates cash to help support the station. Unfortunately, the record store is closed while the local COVID numbers remain high, but we’ll back and dealing as soon as possible. Call the office or email to arrange for pick up or drop off of your unwanted vinyl.