Arts Week Blogs

Phoebe is Coming!

… Phoebe Légère, that is. One of my favorite artists—and favorite people ever!

Check out her appearance at the end of the month in Orleans… that’s Sunday, 30 August 2015, 19:30, you must call or email for directions 508-255-3864.

MV5BMTg1NDkzNTQxNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODk1NzUxNTE@._V1_UX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_PHOEBE LEGERE is a songwriter and resident of Maine, and of Acadian and Abenaki (First Nations) descent. She sings, and plays piano, accordion, cello, Native American flute, organ, buffalo drum, synthesizer, guitar and cavaquinjo. Her latest release is called ACADIAN MOON, and is inspired by her Acadian heritage. She has created the Shamancycle, a giant, 15-person, ride-able Eagle sculpture-vehicle, running on alternative energy. Legere will be performing on the solar stage of the Shamancycle at the San Francisco Makers Fair this May 16th and 17th. At age 16, Phoebe made her Carnegie Hall debut and was signed to Epic Records. Her original song “Marilyn Monroe” was a hit on college radio in 1990, and her accordion song “Amazing Love” was in the Top 40 on Adult Contemporary in 1997. She starred in cult films including Mondo New York and Toxic Avenger 2 and 3. She opened for David Bowie, and was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize in music in 2000. Phoebe has released 15 CDs of original music, and has appeared on National Public Radio, CBS Sunday Morning, PBS City Arts, and Charlie Rose. She has sung at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center and at the Congres Mondial Acadien. Recently Phoebe appeared on HBO, singing her original song about the environment, “Hip Hop Frog” (now available on iTunes).

A great introduction to Phoebe is here:<br< a=””> />