Racine Oxtoby

Myles Standish Proud
2nd Fridays 7-9pm

Racine started DJing for WOMR in 2006 as a student at Provincetown High School. Her musical tastes were scattered, ranging from classic rock to college rock to modern indie-alternative. Since college, she has subbed regularly, all the while trying to find a clear focus for her show. That all changed when she discovered the song “Begin the Begin” by R.E.M., which features the lyric “I looked for it and I found it – Myles Standish proud, congratulate me!” The phrase “Myles Standish Proud” immediately stood out to her as a perfect mix of Provincetown heritage and 80s alternative/new wave music. In spring of 2022, her show Myles Standish Proud found its permanent WOMR home from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM on the second Friday of every month. Tune in for new wave hits and obscurities, including Devo, Talking Heads, Kate Bush, Lene Lovich, and so much more.